Networks Stats

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Provider Network Type Towers Datapoints Tower Moves
Vodafone (255 1)CDMA230,81614
Vodafone (255 1)GSM11,30563,189,3439,370
Vodafone (255 1)LTE11,750101,832,70223,663
Vodafone (255 1)UMTS11,80639,930,8488,722
Kyivstar (255 3)CDMA14,87930
Kyivstar (255 3)GSM16,24565,329,36524,341
Kyivstar (255 3)LTE12,666122,099,63927,254
Kyivstar (255 3)UMTS23,90721,125,22922,957
lifecell (255 6)CDMA1919,3835
lifecell (255 6)GSM7,05743,395,1375,354
lifecell (255 6)LTE8,64595,661,80719,072
lifecell (255 6)UMTS17,52050,000,65211,927